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Quality, Sustainability and Environmental Policy

The company DOFITOURS S.L. has assumed the commitment to continuous improvement in the performance of its activities, based on compliance with environmental legislation and maximum respect for the environment.

The commitment of DOFITOURS S.L. to improve its environmental behavior, has been materialized in the implementation of an Environmental Management System based on the ISO 14001 Standard, which is added to the ISO 9001 Quality Management System and BIOSPHERE, creating the current Integrated Quality and Environment Management System.

The implementation and subsequent certification of our integrated quality and environmental management system has brought obvious advantages in the general management of our company, but it has also meant an improvement in our environmental behavior. At the same time, we would like our commitment to society to extend to our customers and suppliers and other interested parties, under the conviction that the global task results in an improvement in the quality of our environment.

Mission (why we exist)

The Dofi Jet Boats company dedicated to the maritime transport of passengers manages the services, guaranteeing the highest quality and efficiency in each of them, within a framework of sustainability.

Vision (what we want to be)

We want to be an organization:

  • With a spirit of service, open and close to society, which generates trust.
  • Based on knowledge, with a stimulating culture and a cohesive and committed human team.
  • Based on the efficiency and effectiveness of a job well done.


  • Customer orientation: we discover, understand and consolidate the needs of our customers, establishing honest, sincere relationships, with close and respectful treatment.
  • Respect for the Environment: commitment to the environment, minimizing the environmental impact of our actions and contributing to the preservation and conservation of biodiversity.
  • Respect for people: is committed to appropriate and stable working relationships, within a framework of equal opportunities.
  • Development: we promote the development of people through cohesion, collaboration and teamwork.
  • Innovation and research: develop ideas to improve the service we provide to society and technological innovation.
  • Integrity: Through honest, dignified and ethical behavior, which generates trust in our company based on transparency in management and in the communication we transmit to our groups of 'interest.
  • Transparency: ability to communicate and inform in a sincere and truthful way who we are, what we do and why, generating trust, credibility and reputation among the different interest groups.
    Companies are informed of the current legal regulations applicable to their sector in everything related to our responsible attitude (selective collection, accessibility, security)
  • Service to society: commitment to meet the needs and know the expectations of society.
  • Credibility: we keep our word.


We consider that the prevention of pollution and the reduction of consumption of natural resources are basic principles that we must control, so the company is committed to:

  • Make staff aware of the importance of preserving the environment and natural resources.
  • Comply with local, national and community rules.
  • Reduce as much as possible the waste generated, especially toxic waste and eliminate the emission of polluting discharges.
  • Make a selection of our suppliers ensuring that they comply with environmental management criteria in terms of packaging, materials, etc.
  • Preserve public health.
  • Reduce energy consumption (water, electricity...).
  • Carry out correct waste management by applying recycling techniques (oils, batteries, organics, etc.).

Social commitment

  • Health and safety.
  • Communication.
  • Regulatory compliance.
  • No discrimination.
  • Evaluation of suppliers in human rights matters.
  • We work under established values ​​of integrity, training, development, customer orientation, respect for people.
  • Social participation with different entities in the towns.
  • We seek customer satisfaction.
  • We carry out good human resource management.

Economic sustainability

  • We work to improve our presence in the market through social networks.
  • We carry out good practices in the acquisition of the different materials.
  • We are committed to reducing waste.